Everyone is their own best doctor. You just need to find the pieces to the healing puzzle!

Detox And Replenish is dedicated to helping people reverse any kind of health issue or disease. What modern medicine has failed to tell us, is that all health trouble (whether it’s fatigue, skin issues, autism, or stage 4 cancer) has root causes deeper in the body. These root causes include accumulated toxicity, parasites, trapped emotions & traumas, nutrient deficiencies and imbalances, plus related issues like low stomach acid level, hormone imbalance, and many others. When these underlying and often ”invisible” causes are removed, the body can start to actively do its job; which is to regenerate and repair itself.

The body constantly renews itself, including cells, organs, muscles, and bones. It does that by using the resources we provide (meaning: nutrients, oxygen, healthy water, sunlight, etc.). When harmful substances and pathogens are present and the body is lacking essential nutrients and other resources, the regeneration process is compromised. As time goes by and these issues persist, more damage accumulates which then results in noticeable imbalances in the biochemistry. We know this as ”diseases”.

About Me

My journey towards true health started when I was continuously told ”there is nothing wrong with you” by dozens of medical professionals. It was clear my health had fallen apart; I was having pretty much every health issue you can think of. Anemia, thyroid dysfunction, adrenal fatigue, skin issues, weight problems, hormonal & menstrual trouble, IBS, acid reflux, chronic infections, headaches, extreme fatigue, hair loss, joint pain, muscle weakness… You name it! I was this ”mystery case” doctors wanted out of their offices. After seeing several specialists over a hundred times (no exaggeration there) and spending a fortune on treatments and products that only made my health worse… I had an aha moment and finally started to look for another route. It took several years for me to understand that Western medicine is not meant for healing. It is symptom management with no intention of reaching true health. I too (like most of us) had the belief that doctors are the ones that will solve my issues and ”make me healthy again”. During over a decade of researching and real healing, I learned that I have the power to restore the balance and vitality in my body. Now, I’m here to guide people to do the same!

– Anni