


★★★★★ “Thank you for changing my dog’s life so far! She has Addison’s disease and the doctor said she would have to be on medicine, including increasing doses of steroids, for the rest of her life. Changing her diet to the detox diet has completely suppressed her lack of adrenals. I’m forever grateful to you!!!”

★★★★★ “Thanks to your IG page(s) I found out about your guide to dog detox and ordered it some time ago, implemented it on my dog and it is perfect! My dog is more energized and finally without itchy skin.”

★★★★★ “I just read your book and it is incredible Anni!! It is absolutely perfect in every way, you haven’t missed anything. What a wonderful way to help as many dogs as possible.”

This 23-page ebook is an excellent asset for dog owners!

Included in the guide:

  • nutrition guideline
  • detoxification tools
  • supplement recommendations
  • herb suggestions
  • healthy parasite protection

…and more!

Low-quality food, tap water, medical products, etc. take a toll on every dog’s biochemistry. Many dogs are already showing the effects of the modern lifestyle. Skin issues, behavioral problems, blindness, muscle loss, torn ligaments, hormone imbalance, obesity, diabetes, epilepsy, tumors, cancer… The list goes on. No health condition is normal and there are underlying causes for everything. If left unchecked, the result eventually will be more health issues, diseases, and premature death.

Did you know that the current life expectancy estimations per breed are based on dogs whose biochemistries have been disturbed by underlying causes such as toxicity, nutrient deficiencies, and parasites? As well as excess breeding of course. Currently, those issues affect most dogs so it’s understandable that life expectancies are low, and we have gotten used to thinking dogs don’t live for very long.  

You can change this for your furry friend at any time!

The ebook is in PDF-format and accessible on any device. A download link is sent to the email address you use for the purchase. If the product does not arrive in your inbox, please check the spam folder. Make sure to type your email address correctly so that you will receive your product! 

This ebook does not contain a magic solution to anything. (As there is no such thing.) The results will depend on the effort put in! The guide is a toolkit for you to support your dog’s natural healing and regeneration process. Please make sure you’re ready to purchase. I do not offer refunds.
